Credit Reports

Credit Reports

  • Tri-Merge or Bi-Merge (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion)
  • Access to any combination of Bureaus
  • All three Classic Fico Scores-Trended Data
  • New Scores coming FICO 10T Vantage 4.0
  • Soft PreQual, Soft PreApproval, Hard Pull
  • Delivered within seconds from anywhere around the world
  • Custom format design
  • Interfaces with Loan Origination Systems
  • Fraud alerts 
  • Decoding-of Creditors
  • Dedupe-duplicates automatically deleted
  • Summary-of Accounts and Balances

Added Features

  • Permanent Unmerge Feature for Reissue to the GSE’s
  • Unmerged Report to view and print only
  • Letter of Explanation-for Borrower
  • Consumer Copy of Credit Report for Borrower may be printed in  (English, Spanish, and Chinese)

Credit card payment option: For items that may be paid by the Borrower. Does not apply to Re-Scores or Soft Pre-Quals